Friday 5 April 2024

How does this game work again?

 So,  it's been a little while!

I got hooked into TBC and then Wrath Classic for World of Warcraft in a big way, along with having 2 children so I let my EVE subscriptions lapse for the first time since 2009 and haven't logged in in 3 years. But with Wrath coming to an end and frankly feeling a bit of burnout, I've recently found myself thinking about EVE more and more. 

So last night I booted up the launcher and waited for it to update. I honestly had to scan for a number of seconds to work out how to even launch the game! (I know, but the launcher is quite different now). All I've managed to do is log in and have a quick poke around, to try and get a feel for what characters are where and what the hell I was doing in early 2021. My nullsec characters have both been kicked from Pandemic Horde (understandably) and I will likely re-apply and move myself back out there to keep that part of the game going. 

First and foremost though is activating Omega on my accounts. Historically I paid for 3 of my 4 accounts with real money, and a 4th was PLEXed with in game currency. I'm having to carefully consider how I do this going forewards, as money is a bit tighter than it used to be (childcare ain't cheap and the UK economy is not in a good way right now) but PLEX prices have risen in my absence to almost 5.3mil, which pushes the price for one account to almost 2.7Bil. Across 4 accounts that would be almost 10.8Bil just to PLEX, when my overall profits were usually in the region of 30Bil. Ouch. There is a sale on at the moment which means you only need 425 PLEX for a month but it's still a significant outlay, when at the moment I have no idea what the state of my in game finances are and frankly how hard I'm going to get back into things.

In terms of my net worth, I have no idea frankly. In my last saved spreadsheet from March 2021 it said I had 787Bn ISK. After updating my long term investment prices (but nothing else) that improves to say 836Bn, but I strongly doubt that's the truth as most of my characters item hangers look something like this:

So I have a lot to update before I can get even a reasonable approximation for my net worth. 

This time around I think I'll try and diversify what I'm doing and just enjoy the game a bit more. I burned myself out on doing nothing but trading last time so this time I want to also do a bit of nullsec, some manufacturing, some exploring, as well as seeing what's new in the last few years. 

Immediate plans ten are to get my accounts PLEXed, straighten out my assets, and explore what's changed in my absence. I'll do another post once I've got it all straightened out.

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