Tuesday 9 April 2024

A cool new visual

 A bit of a small detail that's changed while I've been away, but one of the sort of details that I really appreciate about EVE is that when you're in a Keepstar now (and maybe other citadels, I haven't checked) you can see your other ships in other docking bays if you scan around, not just your active one.

You can see my Ferox as active, and in the background a Gila and Machariel. the same goes for all subcaps as far as I can tell, though Capitals seem to exist in their own instance somewhere. Minor but I think really cool.

On the finances point, I realised in my original accounting I had forgotten to update the spreadsheet with my Dodixie seller, who I'd taken 30Bn from to pay for my PLEX. But I also found some freighters in Rens that weren't anywhere on my sheet and some asset safety in Ashab from a discontinued Upwell hub. So I've got a slightly more up to date and accurate total for my assets:

You might also notice that I've only got 176Bn in cash now, as I did a buy run for my Amarr, Rens and Dodixie sellers. For now I just went down my old quickbars and bought everything, but when things sell I'm planning on adding them to a "seller" folder and phasing out the ones that don't sell over a couple of months from my quickbar to make room for more lucrative opportunities. This will take place over a month or two and not something I'm rushing but seems like a reasonable step as I feel like my quickbars are very bloated at the moment.

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