Friday 5 April 2024

A Brief Accounting

So, I've managed to go through all my characters and have a quick look at where they are, collect a few errant bits, and put some expired sell orders back up. At the moment I've just blindly put things up for sale, and put up very few buy orders. I want to get things a little cleaned up and then assess what I was trading and see if it still makes sense or if there are other items I can be looking at.

There were also a couple of characters who were operating out of upwell structures (such as the Tranquility Trade Tower) that no longer exist. When this happens you get a Asset safety container appear in your assets containing the items that were in that structure, and you have to pay a small fee to retrieve them. I think I paid about 30mil for 6Bn in goods.

I also assessed my long term investments and a few were up a lot, such as Orcas going from about 1.2Bn to almost 2Bn. So I put some of these assets up for sale.

After all that, this is my current position to the best I can see:

That 17Bn in items to sell is some capitals and other items in a PH Keepstar. I need to re-apply and see if I can sell my goods there, thought I suspect I may have to firesale and start again in null trading depending on the political landscape. There were 6 PH members in the station with me so it's definitely not Hordes capital anymore.

All told then that's a net worth of 778Bn ISK. Considering I just bought and used 65Bn ISK in PLEX, I'd say that's a great position. For reference, my last update before my break I had 782Bn, and if I had used real money rather than spending that ISK on PLEX I'd have 843Bn. Frankly that is a lot better than I was expecting, and I'm looking forward to what can be achieved with fresh eyes for this.

It'll take a few days before I get all my skill queues worked out and decide what to start buying again, but this is a great starting position, and 313Bn ISK in cash is a lot to work with.



  1. whoohoo, you are back! I loved your blog. So few of us left blogging about making ISK in Eve. One or two doing twitch or youtube.

    1. Thanks! That's great to hear! Yeah I'd like to see more as I find it interesting but there isn't much about. I'll have to check youtube but I enjoy reading blogs like yours as I think you can absorb the information better than in a video.

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