Monday 30 September 2024

September Update - Trading

 So, this should be an interesting write up. My current position:

My current net worth is 951.2Bn ISK,  or an increase of -38.8Bn ISK. That works out at -1.29Bn ISK/day.

How the hell has that happened? Weren't you a Trillionaire a few weeks ago? I hear you ask. Well, here's a picture that sums up a lot of it:

The sensible thing to do would have been to try and cash out my HyperCores before the end of quarter in case CCP did another sale. I, however, didn't do that, and as HyperCores are now worth 297,100 ISK and I had 470,000 of them, this sale has hit my net worth to the tune of 69.5Bn ISK. I have since bought more at this new price, and will look to cash out at a much lower value this time. Others have done the same thing, and in a trading Discord I frequent there were others talking about being caught in a similar position to me (I think even Oz failed to cash his out in time). Still I should make this back, I'll just have to be less greedy in future.

In addition to that I used trading funds to buy a years worth of PLEX for my new industry account, which cost me 19.1Bn ISK. So in reality my BAU trading after factoring these two losses amounting to 88.6Bn ISK I come out to having made a regular trading profit of 49.7Bn ISK. This is actually a pretty good month, almost 50Bn profit would make it my second best month ever, so my underlying trade performance is still good. What this whole incident has taught me though is that I should focus on expanding the amount my hub sellers are selling as a priority rather than throwing more money into investments that might blow up in my face.

I have 4 accounts, with 11 characters dedicated to trading:

Rens Seller
128Bn in sell orders and revenue of 41.8Bn. 

Manufacturing character
Did nothing this month, been focussing on my other industry challenge. Not sure what to do with this guys going forwards. Maybe move him to horde and be a market seeder?

Amarr Seller
My biggest performer, he has sell orders of 128Bn and revenue of 86Bn.

Hek Seller
Has 49Bn ISK in sell order and has made sales of 37.5Bn. Essentially half the size of my Rens business but surprisingly close in revenue terms. I think I need to expand the amount of ISK this character is playing with.

Dodixie Seller
Very similar in scale to my Rens business this. Currently 106.5Bn sell orders and income of 70Bn!

Nullsec station trader
Sits in Pandemic Horde's home system and station trades common items (ammo, filaments, minerals etc) and needs surprisingly little babysitting. Money is his own. This character made 3.1Bn this month. Mainly been playing with PLEX trading when profitable, could use a bit more love.

Jita Buyer
My main Jita buyer, and hold some investments. I've taken to buying/selling on my Jita trader character instead as his broker fees are better sitting in a Perimeter. So very little activity here other than buying and then contracting to my other hub sellers.

Tash-Murkon Seller
Currently 94Bn sell orders and 301Bn revenue this month. I haven't touched this character after i hit the Trillion. Seems essentially a waste of a character at the moment.

Amarr station trader
Made 1.3Bn this month, Not a lot of love this month.

Jita station trader
Acts as a buyer for my Amarr seller, and also does some station trading in Jita.  I have moved into buying and selling my investments with this character as well. Main contribution is cashing out of Gnosis's, which I've almost done.

Sobaseki Seller
Has sell orders of 19Bn and revenue of 6.2Bn. Not amazing but I gave him very little love.

So looking at last months plans:
  • Hit 1 Trillion - Achieved, though I'll need to do some work to get back there.
Targets for this month:
  • Hit 1 Trillion. Again.
  • Increase the amount invested in my BAU trading rather than investments.
A disappointing end to the month, but I think I'll get back there soon enough. I'll probably also take another hit to open another industry account this month, so it might take an extra month to get back tot he Trillion, depending how HyperCores bounce back after the sale ends (probably tomorrow).

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