Tuesday 24 September 2024

Making money from BPOs

 So as part of my switch to using BPCs to manufacture rather than BPOs, I've been looking to divest my current small BPO collection. As I've put ME research time into (almost) all of them I can't just sell them on the market. What I can do though is research from TE to make them 10/20 and sell them via contracts, which is exactly what I've started doing:

Not pictured is a Microwave S blueprint, which I bought for 20k, spent about another 20k researching, and then sold for 300k.

One thing to note with the contract UI though is there is no way to see at a glance what your total sell contracts are up for. This makes accounting for them quite annoying.

JEveAssets does total them for you, but it calculates the cost of the BPOs at NPC sell price, not at the price you put the contract up for:

That tiny yellow dot on the bottom right is 1.01million of BPOs up for sale, even though I've actually put them up for 31.5million. 

This leads on to a wider question of how I do my accounting for this challenge going forwards. Updating my spreadsheet manually as I have done throughout my trading will likely become too unwieldy with contracts and builds to consider (also not covered well my the UI). JEveAssets does cover items in build as well.

I am going to explore if the Excel addin can get this information, if it can't then I will almost certainly se JEveAssets for the accounting of this going forwards. So long as it's standardised and covers all my activities (which this does) it should be fine. 

Also, I'm finding that since transitioning away from the tiny BPOs to BPCs, I'm more limited by ISK than by manufacturing slots. This is kind of good as it means I can keep expending a little without imminently having to start up second characters/accounts or invest 26mil in advanced mass production. Though I want to do all of those things soon.

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