Tuesday 17 November 2015

It begins...

It all begins here.

In this blog I will be documenting my experiences with trading in EVE Online. I will mostly be attempting to emulate the methods outlined by croda in his excellent blog:


In his blog he outlines his experience and methods of trading, primarily regional trading, that it, buying in one region and selling in another. I will be taking a very similar approach, buying in Jita and shipping out to Rens and Amarr to sell, whilst doing some station trading in Jita. The difference is that whilst he starting from a fresh account with only the small amount of ISK from the beginning missions, I will be starting with some experience and assets in the game.

A full outline of my starting characters:

- My old "main" character, with  accounting/broker relations V, 65 orders to use and good standings with Caldari Navy/Brutor Tribe. will be primarily selling out of Rens.

- An Amarr character created with the 20 free dual training days gifted by CCP last Christmas, has middling trade skills and no standings of note, will be primarily selling in Amarr.

- A character in Jita, who has recently been dabbling in station trading, Has almost perfect trading skills and good Caldari faction standing, will continue to station trade/buy items from Jita for other characters to ship.

My starting assets are as follows:

Most of this is on my station trader, so I will be starting small on my regional trading. I want to learn the ropes with a small amount of money, rather than throw too much at it and make simple mistakes.

With that, it's time to look at EVE-Central for items to trade...

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