Friday 20 November 2015

Day 2

The first "real" day, as far as I'm concerned.

A minor work emergency prevented me from logging on yesterday, but tonight I had a decent amount of time to get myself sorted.

I logged on to find only one of my items had sold, irritating, but 8mil profit is better than nothing (based on an initial set of 40ish million in items bought). I updated my orders and found another 11 items to buy on my Rens traders, then went to Jita and brought them across.

I took a look at my Amarr character, on starting off he had 209 million ISK, and after doing to some digging I decided on 12 starting items to trade, for a maximum buy of 20mil for a single item (slightly more than my Rens trader). By the time I had shipped things around and updated my orders, a couple of items had sold in Rens, so I have some cash to re-invest tomorrow.

I have not updated my Jita station trader, as I haven't really had chance, so i'm not taking him into account in this entry.

As things stand my current positions are:

Rens on the left, Amarr on the right.

I take into account a 20% provision in my sell orders to allow for lowering my sell orders in response to other people. I try to not disrupt markets I enter by only buying 1 of each item, and entering my prices 1ISK below the current lowest, but I will always have some orders that are outbid and that I will have to reduce.

I need to find more items to invest in, as any ISK in wallets is currently not doing anything to help me earn money. I should have more time over the weekend to do more research.

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