Friday 1 May 2020

May Update

This has been a pretty good month for me in game. I've had slightly more time in game due to a bit of time off over Easter and generally settling into the new routine. I've been really happy to be able to start to ramp up a few new ventures, although there is more to come and I have more plans afoot.

Anyway, my current position:

I currently have 675.8Bn ISK, an increase of 33.3Bn on last month, on a 30 day month as well! It's great to be back making over 1Bn a day. I would have made more than that but the price of PLEX has been crashing:

I have 10,000 PLEX, bought for as much as 4,187,000 ISK. PLEX is currently worth 2,700,000 and falling fast. For every 100,000 ISK price change I gain or lose 1Bn as I have 10,000, and the price has dropped from 3,195,000 over the last month, or about 500,000, which equates to a 5Bn ISK loss for me! If it weren't for that I'd have made 38Bn this month, it would have been record breaking! Alas, my market choices do not occur in a vaccuum, so I have to take the bad with the good.

I suspect the reasons for the drop in PLEX price are twofold. One, CCP has licensed another server in China, and recent changes to Chinese law demand all players play on their own server, not with the rest of the world so Tranquility will be/has lost a chunk of its population. Less demand = lower prices. In addition to that we are in the scarcity phase of resource changes in EVE. There have been nerfs to resists and fighter application, making ratting more challenging/less profitable across EVE. Mining anomalies in null have been significantly reduced in size, and normal minerals removed from high sec moons, reducing the supply of minerals and pushing the price up. All these taken together means that items and ships cost more, and are less effective at earning money, which means people have less to spend on PLEX, which pushed the price down. Where this will balance out to I'm not sure, and it may not until resources are redistributed and a new normal is found.

I have 4 accounts, with 11 characters dedicated to trading:

Sobaseki Seller

A change! and finally getting this character going. I've set this character up in the IChooseYou Sotiyo in Sobaseki, 1 jump from Jita. Crucially it is in a different region, so items can be sold at a profit vs Jita. I've been training him up as a normal selling character, though dealing with slightly different items to my Hub sellers as Sobaseki is not really big enough to warrant routinely selling implants for hundred of millions. He's primarily been selling things like +3, +4, +5 implants, probe launchers, skillbooks etc. He's got a decent turnover, though I'll be adding more orders and ISK as the month goes on. Currently has 8Bn in sell orders.

Jita Buyer

This is a character that sits in Jita and contracts items to my other characters. This character has little training, and mostly buys from sell orders and contracts the items to my other characters. I tend to have this character logged in to act as a real time price comparison whilst checking my other characters orders. This character also manages my long term investments, though that doesn't take much work. I am putting excess ISK into this venture, and watch delonewolf's EVE Talk to get ideas for things to invest in. Currently holding about 132Bn in orders and investments.

Amarr Seller

My main money maker, with ~145 Billion in active sell orders at the time of writing. Takes implants and faction/deadspace modules delivered by my Rens character and sells them in Amarr.

Dodixie Seller

Very similar to the Amarr seller, he sits in Dodixie, takes receipt of items, then set up sell orders. Currently has 120 Billion in sell orders. No news with this character.

Rens seller/Hauler

Like the other characters, this character takes items bought in Jita and sells them in Rens. Currently has 153 Billion ISK in active sells. He also hauls my goods from Jita to the other trade hubs in a Crane.

Hek Seller

Like the other high sec seller characters, he sits in a trade hub in Hek and sells items brought to him by the Rens seller. Currently on 68Bn in sell orders. Needs to pay for his own PLEX every month, which isn't too difficult.

Amarr station trader

Sits in a player owned Fortizar in Ashab, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a range of 1 Jump to cover Amarr. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 1 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 17.4 Billion.

Jita station trader

My more serious station trader. I have a character in Perimeter in a player owned Keepstar, with 0.5% broker fee that sits in one station, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a reach of 1 jump.

Most of my items are bought and sold in the Jita 4-4 station. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 10 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 71.2 Billion. I spent the time to get faction and corp standing up with this character, and this is my attempt to take station trading seriously. He also farms SP and sells injectors on the market.

Horde Station Trader

Station trading in the Horde Keepstar in R10-GN. I set him up with 1Bn and he's currently at 9.5Bn.

Tash-Murkon Region trader

A different strategy altogether. This character sits in a player owned Fortizar in Tash-Murkon prime, and set up regional buy orders for modules, implants and drones. When a lot of orders have been filled I fly around and collect it all to sell in Tash-Murkon Prime. I set this character up with 100mil to buy his own skills and get started, after skills he had 70mil to buy items. Currently at 7.9Bn. Can fly a Crane, which speeds up my collections immeasurably. I frequently find I struggle for motivation to fly around a region collecting a million here, 3 mil there, so I am thinking of changing this to being a selling character. Being just 2 jumps from Amarr he could even do his own hauling, buying from there and selling in Tash-Murkon Prime. Will partly depend on how the Sobaseki seller ramps up.

Manufacturing Character

I've finally built my first Raitaru! I spreadsheeted everything up, bought the minerals, set up a public courier contract for 10mil to haul the minerals to Hurj... and then found I was 40,000 Pyerite short. Quick trip from Rens later I was good to go. All in it cost me about 580mil in minerals, fees and couriers, then I hauled it myself to Rens and it sold after 2 days for 650mil. Pretty good return! I need to ramp this up and work out the transport kinks, but I think this is going to be a good background earner, especially once I branch out into other citadels and maybe get my own set up for doing the manufacturing in.


  1. Just found your blog - I've enjoyed reading your escapades. Any advice for selecting items for someone who's starting out? I'm not looking for your secrets, just an idea of the type of item you traded when you first began this quest.

  2. I think I talked about the sort of thing I was buying in the beginning, but I've kind of been replicating it with my sobaseki trading. I'd start out with skillbooks, stuff that isn't sold by empire NPCs, like precursor weapon specs, or precursor ship skills. I'd also look at implants, there are plenty that go for under 100mil. Also faction/deadspace modules, some are as low as 10-20 mil to buy and can have good returns when sold elsewhere. Really it's the same sort of thing I trade now, I've just upscaled so I'm buying more implants for 100-1500 mil rather than 10-50 mil as I was at the start.

    1. That's helpful, thank you, and good luck with your quest!
