Friday, 28 February 2025

February Update - Industry

 The picture for industry looks a lot healthier than with trading. Here are the values:

And the graph:

My current net worth is 4.97Bn ISK. That's an increase of 1.3Bn ISK, or 46Mil/day.

While that sounds pretty unimpressive, it's not the complete picture. I started the month coming off a hiatus in half of January, and a lot of what I had up for sale was overpriced and wasn't shifting. This can be seen by the small gape between sell orders (light blue) and total worth (red). In order to pull this round and increase my revenue I started fairly aggressively reducing my sell orders to try and recoup the money faster, rather than maximising per transaction profit. This lead to ~10 days of fairly static net worth but allowed me to increase my amount manufactured at any given time. From there I was able to really ramp up production, regularly having over 1Bn in build at any given time allowing me to keep slots busier and turn over products for cash faster. That lead to a second half of the month where I was making almost 100mil/day on average and you can see the amount of manufacturing and cash I have at any point in time has jumped up while sell orders have stayed around the 2.5Bn mark. This is a much better state of affairs and should allow me to continue to utilise more concurrent slots and scale harder.

With this increased revenue I intend to skill up my 2 alts that don't currently do tech2 building to be able to do it, and it opens up options. I should be able to start additional characters soon as well.

I have had revenue of 18.3Bn ISK this month, which means my profit margin is currently 7.1% after all costs. Not amazing but Worth keeping track of as I go forwards.

One thing I have noticed is that there have been several "phases" to my journey already, which I have highlighted below to a very high production quality:

Phase 1 - Getting started, learning initial skills, getting starting capital and beginning my journey

Phase 2 - Establishing a manufacturing chain with a few reliable blueprints, steady expansion.

Phase 3 - I get EVEGuru, my net worth explodes, though most of the items I build are actually overvalued due to short term spikes.

Phase 4 - Correction and slowdown. I start to pull my items back towards more sensible sale values, though my capital and revenue is limited. Relatively stagnant here and items in build rarely beats 500mil. Christmas and then a very stressful time at work meant I didn't play much over this period either.

Phase 5 - Steady growth. Sale values have been pulled into a more realistic place. I have started to get a feel for what items sell well with relatively little micromanagement and I can tailor my slots to pumping out those. I have slowed down on buying new blueprints and skills in order to get in a better place in terms of cash and revenue.

This has been a really interesting journey so far. I am fascinated as to what problems I will have to solve at further stages going forwards. The scaling in terms of profits is definitely trickier than trading but there is more variety in industry and it keeps me very engaged, which is great!

Next month my plan is to continue to scale in terms of revenue, skill up my characters a bit and maybe start another character or 2. All about scaling for now.

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