I've just taken delivery of a new PC. My old one is nearly 8 years old and I was starting to get freezes and graphics issues that suggested the graphics card was not entirely healthy, so getting out ahead I decided an upgrade is due.
One thing I always find baffling with new desktops is they never come with more than 1 HDMI slot. My last one had an old AV slot (not even sure what type) that I used an adapter, this one has 3 HDRs, so until a HDR adapter arrives I'm down to one monitor. Annoying but I can make do.
It does however mean setting everything up again, including EVE and all my tools. I exported my market quickbars to a spreadsheet and I'm in the process of transferring them to my accounts on my new PC. I've managed to transfer my jEVEassets history across, by copying my .jeveassets folder over to my new PC and it works a treat.
I've installed EVEGuru and added my character but it hasn't picked up my subscription. I'm only a few days out from needing to renew it anyway so I'll just add subscription time and start from there. I've seen others experience the same issue on their discord and they've been able to sole it, but for the sake of a few days it just doesn't seem worth the hassle for me.
On the game front someone spiked the price on Mobile Depots, and during the rush I was able to make out with about 400mil profit over a few days. The price is now settling towards normal and I'll look elsewhere but it was a pleasant surprise to come back to
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