Sunday 1 September 2019

September Update

I've had another very busy month, which has really cut into my playtime. Combined with my new job situation means I can't even get a quick price adjustment in once a day like I used to - and I'm restricted to proper trade runs at the weekend only. Anyway, excuses aside, my current position:

I have 481.3Bn ISK. This is an increase of 21.8Bn. This represents an increase of 703Mil a day. I haven't had anywhere near as much time to play this month, and I think there's been a general dip in activity as people go away on holiday. Still, I was hoping to be up around an average of 30Bn a month, and this falls a long way short of that.

On a better note, my Hek seller is in the process of learning Tychoon V. once he does he'll be "finished" from a skills perspective, and I'm thinking of spinning up a couple of regional traders in the vein of the Tash-Murkon trader with the empty slots.

In the recent spikes in price for recons due to the announced cyno changes, I bought a blueprint of each racial cruiser and created some copies and did some invention. I only got 1 T2 Blueprint from 6 invention runs, and I haven't built it yet, but it helps me get a feel for the invention process. I may expand this in future, not sure.

I have 4 accounts, with 9 characters dedicated to trading:

Jita Buyer

This is a character that sits in Jita and contracts items to my other characters. This character has little training, and mostly buys from sell orders and contracts the items to my other characters. I tend to have this character logged in to act as a real time price comparison whilst checking my other characters orders. This character also manages my long term investments, though that doesn't take much work. I am putting excess ISK into this venture, and watch delonewolf's EVE Talk to get ideas for things to invest in. Currently holding about 74Bn in orders and investments.

Amarr Seller

My main money maker, with ~161.8 Billion in active sell orders at the time of writing. Takes implants and faction/deadspace modules delivered by my Rens character and sells them in Amarr.

Dodixie Seller

Very similar to the Amarr seller, he sits in Dodixie, takes receipt of items, then set up sell orders. Currently has 94.5 Billion in sell orders. No news with this character.

Rens seller/Hauler

Like the other characters, this character takes items bought in Jita and sells them in Rens. Currently has 93.9 Billion ISK in active sells. He also hauls my goods from Jita to the other trade hubs in a Crane.

Hek Seller

My new character. Like the other high sec seller characters, he sits in a trade hub in Hek and sells items brought to him by the Rens seller. He was in a trade hub citadel, but that was put into hull turning off its market module so I moved to an NPC station like the rest of my selling characters, though this cost me about 1Bn in broker fees. Deals primarily in Rigs, faction modules and implants. I started this character off with 16Bn "seed" money and he's currently got 57.9Bn in sell orders. Needs to pay for his own PLEX every month, which isn't too difficult.

Amarr station trader

Sits in a player owned Fortizar in Ashab, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a range of 1 Jump to cover Amarr. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 1 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 11.9 Billion.

Jita station trader

My more serious station trader. I have a character in Perimeter in a player owned Keepstar, with 0.3% broker fee that sits in one station, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a reach of 1 jump.

Most of my items are bought and sold in the Jita 4-4 station. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 10 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 54.2 Billion. I spent the time to get faction and corp standing up with this character, and this is my attempt to take station trading seriously.

Horde Seller

In a very similar way to the other selling characters, he takes items bought by the Jita Buyer, then contracts the items to "Valhalla Deliveries" (a delivery service for Pandemic Horde) to transport the items to the Horde Keepstar in R10-GN. He then sells them there for a profit. He trades primarily T2 modules, drones and scan probes. I set him up with 1Bn and he's currently at 3.4 Bn in sell orders.

I've done very little with this character this month in truth. I need to start it up again.

Tash-Murkon Region trader

A different strategy altogether. This character sits in a player owned Fortizar in Tash-Murkon prime, and set up regional buy orders for modules, implants and drones. When a lot of orders have been filled I fly around and collect it all to sell in Tash-Murkon Prime. I set this character up with 100mil to buy his own skills and get started, after skills he had 70mil to buy items. Currently at 4.3Bn. Can fly a Crane, which speeds up my collections immeasurably.


  1. that is an impressive set up, how long does it take you to go through those sell orders and adjust prices?

    1. I've just written a post on this, but the short answer is about 2 hours. I'm interested into what other people have as their set ups.

    2. I had a pretty basic setup, 2 accounts, 6 characters, 1 in Jita, the other in Hek, Rens, Dodixie and Amarr and my main whom I was hoping to use the others to funs the PVP

      I managed to get some spreadsheets sourced that pulled in data and I used those to create shortlists in ach hub for items that sold and had a decent profilt margin (30%+) I then used the jita guy to buy then to ship out to the other places and put up the order.

      I think Amarr and Dodi were my biggest, maybe 50 items each but I just got so bored of just logging in the adjust pricing, although al did make OK money at it. Changing all those prices daily got to me and so I pretty much abandoned it all, but always am looking for inspiration.

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