Friday 3 May 2019

Large Skill Injectors, trade in station or transport?

On my Jita/Perimeter trader, one of my consistent money makers has been Large Skill Injectors. These are, like PLEX, high volume, high value, and low margin items, that are directly tied to the price of PLEX (so you can usually guess which way the price will go by watching the PLEX price). I've done some rep grinding on this character to get my broker fee down to 2.1% in Jita, and as Caldari are "allied" to Amarr, my broker fee in Amarr is 2.58% (from memory).

One thing I've noticed over the course of my activities is the different price spread between Perimeter (razor thin), Jita (slightly wider) and Amarr (much wider). For example, this morning Buy orders for skill injectors were 995 mil in Perimeter. So if I were to buy one there I would have the following sell options:
Perimeter - 995 * 1.016 = 1010.92 mil (0.3% broker, 1% transaction, 0.3% broker)
Jita - 995 * 1.034 = 1028.83 mil (0.3% broker, 1% transaction, 2.1% broker)
Amarr - 995 * 1.0388 = 1033.6 mil (0.3% broker, 1% transaction, 2.58% broker)

The sell prices (approx) were:
Perimeter - 1018 - 1010.92 = 7.08 mil profit
Jita - 1048 - 1028.83 = 19.17 mil profit
Amarr - 1088 - 1033.6 = 54.4 mil profit

Seems like a clear winner right? Not entirely. The volume in the forge is 5000-7500 per day, but in Amarr it's 500-750. There is also transport time to consider (in a sub 2 second align full tank Ares, but still). I used to exclusively buy in Perimeter and sell in Jita, but recently I've been buying 20 at a time, transporting them to Amarr and putting them up for sale. Any extra I buy in the meantime I tend to sell in Jita for a fast turn around. If you can be at the keyboard for a reasonable length of time I still think Jita is the place to sell due to the volume, but as I get 5-10 mins most mornings, a quick trip to Amarr can be the way to go.

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