Sunday, 24 November 2019

Manufacturing next steps

So I've not abandoned manufacturing, but there hasn't been too much to report.

I've done 2 runs of the citadel rigs, and put them up for sale in Hek and Rens. These are selling slowly, but I should end up with about 2Bn profit from it if they all sell. Pretty good really! I've not done proper accounting, just ballpark figures for input mats purchased and the sell prices I put them up for.

More importantly, I've bought a set of structure component blueprints, specifically the 9 components required to build a Raitaru, and put them in to research ME:

I had been hoping to get the BPOs to ME 10, but to do that with these would take about 500 days! Obviously not practical. The most I can put them in for from fresh is ME6, which takes about 15 days. I'll probably aim for a final ME of 7 or 8, and go from there. It'll take a while to get going, but it's nice to have something to work towards, and building up a BPO library is always going to be useful.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Skill Point Farming

So, I have an account containing my Jita station traders, my Amarr station trader, and my Tash-Murkon region trader. All of these characters have all of their trade skills at V, so I consider them "finished" from a skills point of view.

As such, any skill points I train are wasted from a trading point of view. CCP decided to allow skill point trading a while ago though, so I'm going to take advantage of it on my Jita station trader for a little supplementary income. Some people optimise this so that accounts pay for their own PLEX plus turn a profit, but I pay for this account in cash, so the money will simply go towards the Trillion.

On my Jita trader, I have the following skill mapping:

This is the default that every character starts with. I also have a set of +3 training implants plugged in. Currently my skill queue looks like this:

Advanced mass production has 6 days 19 hours left to train to 5. It has a primary attribute of Memory, and a secondary attribute of Intelligence. I'm going to remap to focus on those two, and buy +5 implants for those 2 attributes:

Down to 5 days 9 hours. A huge increase in training speed. I'm going to keep extracting skill points from this skill and advanced industry, and sell the injectors on the market as a supplementary income. I should be able to sell 3 or 4 injectors a month for around 440mil profit each at current prices. Decent bit of income for next to no work.

Monday, 4 November 2019

November Update

A very sow start to the month, but picked up towards the end. Still not quite at the velocity I saw in June/July, but getting bacon track. My current position:

I have 507.8Bn ISK, an increase of 16.9Bn. This is, all things considered, a pretty poor month, I suspect partly cause by upheaval in my life (moved house) and partly by the tail end of the "Chaos Era" changes that saw a dip in nullsec activity. My life should start looking a bit more settled now for the foreseeable future, s I'm hoping to start getting a bit more playtime in going forwards.

I've been keeping to 1sh trade run a week, and even managed the odd evening to update orders. I was very pleased when I logged in yesterday to find over 50Bn ISK across my main characters to buy more stuff. In the end I carried ~34Bn of items out of Jita for sale elsewhere. I have an issue with one of the numbers on my spreadsheet, and that is "ISK in wallet: 36.9Bn". That is way too much ISK lying around doing nothing for me. I have plans for that though, I'm going to buy some structure blueprints and put some money into manufacturing, and I'm going to plow the rest into my trading/investments.

I have 4 accounts, with 10 characters dedicated to trading:

Jita Buyer

This is a character that sits in Jita and contracts items to my other characters. This character has little training, and mostly buys from sell orders and contracts the items to my other characters. I tend to have this character logged in to act as a real time price comparison whilst checking my other characters orders. This character also manages my long term investments, though that doesn't take much work. I am putting excess ISK into this venture, and watch delonewolf's EVE Talk to get ideas for things to invest in. Currently holding about 74.7Bn in orders and investments.

Amarr Seller

My main money maker, with ~155.8 Billion in active sell orders at the time of writing. Takes implants and faction/deadspace modules delivered by my Rens character and sells them in Amarr.

Dodixie Seller

Very similar to the Amarr seller, he sits in Dodixie, takes receipt of items, then set up sell orders. Currently has 86.9 Billion in sell orders. No news with this character.

Rens seller/Hauler

Like the other characters, this character takes items bought in Jita and sells them in Rens. Currently has  108.4 Billion ISK in active sells. He also hauls my goods from Jita to the other trade hubs in a Crane. There's a jump in sell orders here, as he's listed 5 structure rigs build by my manufacturing characters, and some skill injectors bought in Jita.

Hek Seller

Like the other high sec seller characters, he sits in a trade hub in Hek and sells items brought to him by the Rens seller. Currently on 55.8Bn in sell orders. Needs to pay for his own PLEX every month, which isn't too difficult.

Amarr station trader

Sits in a player owned Fortizar in Ashab, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a range of 1 Jump to cover Amarr. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 1 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 12.3 Billion.

Jita station trader

My more serious station trader. I have a character in Perimeter in a player owned Keepstar, with 0.3% broker fee that sits in one station, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a reach of 1 jump.

Most of my items are bought and sold in the Jita 4-4 station. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 10 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 57 Billion. I spent the time to get faction and corp standing up with this character, and this is my attempt to take station trading seriously.

I'm also going to start SP farming/extracting on this character, as the characters on this account are "finished" from a trading point of view. This could cover the cost of PLEXing account 4 potentially. More on this in another post.

Horde Seller

In a very similar way to the other selling characters, he takes items bought by the Jita Buyer, then contracts the items to "Valhalla Deliveries" (a delivery service for Pandemic Horde) to transport the items to the Horde Keepstar in R10-GN. He then sells them there for a profit. He trades primarily T2 modules, drones and scan probes. I set him up with 1Bn and he's currently at 3.4 Bn in sell orders.

I've done very little with this character this month again.

Tash-Murkon Region trader

A different strategy altogether. This character sits in a player owned Fortizar in Tash-Murkon prime, and set up regional buy orders for modules, implants and drones. When a lot of orders have been filled I fly around and collect it all to sell in Tash-Murkon Prime. I set this character up with 100mil to buy his own skills and get started, after skills he had 70mil to buy items. Currently at 5Bn. Can fly a Crane, which speeds up my collections immeasurably.

Manufacturing Character

My latest character, pretty new. Currently has 11 building slot and 10 lab slots. Finished research on 5 structure rig blueprints and has done 1 run on each of them, with the produce up for sale in Rens. I haven't accounted for this very well, but I bought materials for the run for about 2.1Bn and put them up for sale in the region of 3.4Bn. Pretty good return if they sell. New plan is to buy structure component blueprints to research, and do more runs on the BPs I have. The plan will be to sell the items produced by this character in the 5 trade hubs I sell in. I'm planning to put more time and work into this character this month to work out a process.