Yesterday I did something I've been resisting for years... I added a 4th Omega account.
I have always tried to keep my in game and out of game money separate, I've been paying for my 3 accounts with cash for years now, and I can quite happily pay £30 a month for the entertainment EVE provides me (not like I go clubbing anymore, so beer money is now EVE money).
At the same time, there has long been a hole in my high sec trade operations. The 5 main high sec trade hubs in the game are Jita, Amarr, Dodixie, Rens and Hek - in that size order. I have traders at all of them except Hek.
I've long been considering adding a seller there, particularly as my sellers in Amarr, Dodixie and Rens have been plateauing a bit lately. However, all of my accounts have 3 characters, that are all utilised, and so I cannot dedicate one of them to moving to Hek. So I finally decided to take the plunge and create a 4th account.
I actually created the account at the weekend, using a refer a friend link from myself to create an alpha account, create a minmatar character, and fly straight from the tutorial system to Hek. I didn't PLEX the account then, just wanted to get the lay of the land.
Now, there are restrictions on trade hubs that do not allow you to anchor citadels in them, to cut server load and prevent spam, but for some reason in the case of this restriction, Hek is not considered to be a trade hub, despite being almost the same size as Rens from a trade point of view. So there are citadels there. Specifically, there is an ICY (IChooseYou) Tatara in Hek that has a broker fee of 0.1%. This is brilliant, saves the requirement to train broker relations (though I'll probably do it anyway) and I don't need to worry about standings. So I set my shiny new character up there.
As I don't want to pay real money for a 4th account and this account should easily be able to PLEX itself, I decided this will be my (for now) only account funded by PLEX. So when doing a trade run last night I transferred this character ~18 Billion ISK, bought 500 PLEX for about 2.2 Billion, and went Omega. When you activate a refer a friend link you also get 750,000 SP to inject, which is great. So I bought a bunch of trade skills, queued it up, and injected. As things stand this character has accounting IV, 77 orders and is working on accounting V. I then bought items and put them up for sale for ~24 Billion ISK, and went to bed.
Despite picking a bunch of items that sell at least once per day, faction/deadspace modules mostly, when I logged on this morning to have a quick check, absolutely nothing had sold. This is disappointing, but it was a Wednesday evening, so I'll give it the weekend. Most of the items I'm selling though are up for sale in an NPC station in the system, so maybe people are buying their items there instead of the Tatara, despite my orders being the cheapest? Who knows. If I have to move I will.
Once this character is trained up, I will probably use the other slots for other characters, maybe another regional trader and either someone to trade exclusively skill injectors, or possibly a manufacturer. Feels strange having a 4th account though, weirdly feels like a big leap.