Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Using the production ledger to manage alts

 So I have had a problem with manufacturing where I'll sift through my blueprints, decide on what I'm going to build, transport the materials to where it's being built and then I'll forget half of what I was going to build. This leads to wasted materials from building the wrong things and general inefficiencies. This is compounded with alts where I have to trade things around.

EVEGuru has a solution for that though, and I have changed my process a bit. Once I have all the blueprints I need I can go to the options and untick "not owned" so it will only look at the profitability of my actually owned blueprints, then as I decide what to build I can update the quantities and tick that item. 

When I have enough for all my slots (or all my money) I can add these to the production ledger and call it something like "14/01 high sec". This tells me which characters it relates to and when I started it. I then buy the stuff (I still use the buy all window in the in game industry so I don't get wasted mats) and when I get to the other end I can use the production ledger as a reference to kick off my jobs!

Once I have all of the runs going I can mark the run as complete, it's served its purpose by that point. For multi step production (e.g. tech 2) I can keep the stages up to date correctly to help me manage. I've already found this leading to a greater utilisation of slots, which is huge for me.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

New year, new PC

 I've just taken delivery of a new PC. My old one is nearly 8 years old and I was starting to get freezes and graphics issues that suggested the graphics card was not entirely healthy, so getting out ahead I decided an upgrade is due.

One thing I always find baffling with new desktops is they never come with more than 1 HDMI slot. My last one had an old AV slot (not even sure what type) that I used an adapter, this one has 3 HDRs, so until a HDR adapter arrives I'm down to one monitor. Annoying but I can make do. 

It does however mean setting everything up again, including EVE and all my tools. I exported my market quickbars to a spreadsheet and I'm in the process of transferring them to my accounts on my new PC. I've managed to transfer my jEVEassets history across, by copying my .jeveassets folder over to my new PC and it works a treat. 

I've installed EVEGuru and added my character but it hasn't picked up my subscription. I'm only a few days out from needing to renew it anyway so I'll just add subscription time and start from there. I've seen others experience the same issue on their discord and they've been able to sole it, but for the sake of a few days it just doesn't seem worth the hassle for me.

On the game front someone spiked the price on Mobile Depots, and during the rush I was able to make out with about 400mil profit over a few days. The price is now settling towards normal and I'll look elsewhere but it was a pleasant surprise to come back to

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

End of Year 2024 - Industry

 First end of year here! It's only been going a few months, and December has been challenging as I'll go into before. I also have had quite a period of barely playing, which my jEveAssets graph shows. My current position:

And here is my jEveAssets graph:

I currently have 3.78Bn ISK. An increase on last month of 741Mil or 23.9mil ISK/day.

That's very disappointing. I have spent 200mil on a EVEGuru subscription, so I've made operating profits of 941mil but that is still heavily down on last month. I seem to have struggled a lot for throughput this month, especially on the selling front. I think I need to really strongly focus on making sure my items sell so I have more money each day in order to keep my slots busy. I have a lot of slots empty at any given time which is a killer in industry.

So a bit of a bumpy start to my Industry challenge in 2024, but I'm really enjoying it and learning a lot about a game I've been playing on and off since 2009!

My main target for 2025 on top of my overall goals for this challenge is to hit 100Bn by this time next year. Seems a stretch but I think I should be able to do it. Got to have goals to push myself! 

Onwards to a near year, let's hope it's a good one!

End of Year 2024 - Trading

 This year has been eventful from a trading point of view. Most notably I came back to the game in a big way. Starting out with 778Bn ISK and 4 accounts, PLEXing for a year and completing my challenge to becoming a Trillionaire, then engaging in another challenge immediately after. And I talked about wanting to avoid burnout this time!

One other thing I have done is to cut down on the amount of traders I update. I basically only update sells in the big 4 (Amarr, Rens, Dodixie, Hek), my investments in Jita and my "station trader" (mostly trades in PLEX tbh) in null. The other characters have essentially been mothballed, and in January I intend to properly mothball them and transfer all assets to another trader to be sold so I can put more money into my main operations.

Here is my current net worth:

And broken down further:

My current net worth is 1.043Tn ISK.

That means month on month I've made -16Bn ISK, or -0.51Bn ISK/day. As always, I have mitigating factors here. I've not traded since the 20th, and only logged in to make this update tonight really. A good christmas break will do me good personally, professionally and in game I think. I've been spending a lot of time with family and friends which has been great, though not great for my ISK balance! I've also spent 19.2Bn ISK starting up another industry account, and Hypercores are down 24,800ISK month on month, which as cost me another 19.1Bn ISK. Taking those into account my "BAU" trading made me 22.3Bn profit, which is far from great but considering the time I put into it I'm not too upset. Hypercores have honestly not been a great investment for me.

Overall this year (well since I came back this april) I've made 265Bn ISK. Which averages out at 29.4Bn ISK/month. Not bad but I'd like it to be at least 50Bn ISK/month. I've spent 123.5Bn ISK PLEXing 7 accounts for a year, which is the first time I've done that at this scale. If I'd used real money to fund my accounts like I used to my yearly profits would be 388.5Bn or 43.1Bn/month. That is a lot more respectable and shows that my underlying strategy is solid, even though I have been very inconsistent in applying it.

Main target next year is to earn 500Bn ISK. I want to do this without expanding my time played much, so basically throwing more money at the same characters and hoping I can scale my profits. I might have to be smarter with my investments too but I want to throw more at regional trading before I expand my investments further as they haven't worked out how I'd like so far.