So I have had a problem with manufacturing where I'll sift through my blueprints, decide on what I'm going to build, transport the materials to where it's being built and then I'll forget half of what I was going to build. This leads to wasted materials from building the wrong things and general inefficiencies. This is compounded with alts where I have to trade things around.
EVEGuru has a solution for that though, and I have changed my process a bit. Once I have all the blueprints I need I can go to the options and untick "not owned" so it will only look at the profitability of my actually owned blueprints, then as I decide what to build I can update the quantities and tick that item.
When I have enough for all my slots (or all my money) I can add these to the production ledger and call it something like "14/01 high sec". This tells me which characters it relates to and when I started it. I then buy the stuff (I still use the buy all window in the in game industry so I don't get wasted mats) and when I get to the other end I can use the production ledger as a reference to kick off my jobs!
Once I have all of the runs going I can mark the run as complete, it's served its purpose by that point. For multi step production (e.g. tech 2) I can keep the stages up to date correctly to help me manage. I've already found this leading to a greater utilisation of slots, which is huge for me.