So I'm at a point where my first highsec character is OK skills wise, and is chewing his way through Advanced Broker Relations V. I also seem to be generating a surplus of ISK with what I'm producing, and could use some more slots.
So I've done 2 things. One is to create a corp for my highsec characters. I will use this to transfer money around easily, and I think I can set blueprints to be corp owned and used by my characters. If I can that'd be a huge usability win. TBD on that one.
The second is to create a new character. I've injected mass production and begun production and research in Ikuchi alongside my initial character. This takes my total industry characters to 3. The items I'm producing now sell like hot cakes and so I think I can up my production lines without even changing items and take advantage. It's not the best idea to put so much in one basket but the initial BPO is 1 mil each and each day I'm producing about 2 mil profit per line per day, so even if the margin collapses tomorrow and I have to switch wholesale then I've already paid the BPO costs off many times over.
I had hoped to get to this point sooner but I've been away for a few days with family. I still have more to look into with this and plenty more to explore to optimise my null character, but it's nice to begin scaling to more production lines.