I barely played at all this month. I think I logged on once during the month, and that was about it. I guess I can partly blame it on ennui/boredom, and partly because I've been playing other games which is good to do from time to time to keep things fresh. This has had a devastating effect on my income though:
I currently have 692.3Bn ISK. This is an increase of 2.6Bn. Yeah....
So that's bad. Like, worst in years bad. I actually checked several times that my numbers were correct. I did just put up a load of orders which bring my 20% provision to nearly 100Bn, but that's always the case so I doubt it's that.
Anyway, this will be quite a short one. For July I'm going to really put some time into the game. I want to update my orders every day, set up Sobaseki and Tash-Murkon as selling hubs like the others and get my Raitaru production running on a conveyor belt. I've just done my usual trade run before this, so that's my "base" starting point. I really want to challenge myself and see how much money I can make if I really put my mind to it. I am going away for the last week of July, but I'm still hoping to get 50Bn out of this month. It'll be a lot of work, but I'm hoping the challenge will spur me on and keep me motivated.
I have 4 accounts, with 11 characters dedicated to trading:
Sobaseki Seller
Not much to report here, has continued training trade skills, but I haven't expanded the items sold. Currently has 3Bn in sell orders. I want to use a big chunk of the money sat in wallets to ramp this character up to at least 50Bn in sell orders over the next couple of days.
Jita Buyer
This is a character that sits in Jita and contracts items to my other characters. This character has little training, and mostly buys from sell orders and contracts the items to my other characters. I tend to have this character logged in to act as a real time price comparison whilst checking my other characters orders. This character also manages my long term investments, though that doesn't take much work. I am putting excess ISK into this venture, and watch delonewolf's EVE Talk to get ideas for things to invest in. Currently holding about 190Bn in orders and investments. A lot of this money will go to Sobaseki and Tash-Murkon.
Amarr Seller
My main money maker, with ~150 Billion in active sell orders at the time of writing. Takes implants and faction/deadspace modules delivered by my Rens character and sells them in Amarr.
Dodixie Seller
Very similar to the Amarr seller, he sits in Dodixie, takes receipt of items, then set up sell orders. Currently has 124 Billion in sell orders. No news with this character.
Rens seller/Hauler
Like the other characters, this character takes items bought in Jita and sells them in Rens. Currently has 129 Billion ISK in active sells. He also hauls my goods from Jita to the other trade hubs in a Crane.
Hek Seller
Like the other high sec seller characters, he sits in a trade hub in Hek and sells items brought to him by the Rens seller. Currently on 66Bn in sell orders. Needs to pay for his own PLEX every month, which isn't too difficult.
Amarr station trader
Sits in a player owned Fortizar in Ashab, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a range of 1 Jump to cover Amarr. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 1 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 18 Billion.
Jita station trader
My more serious station trader. I have a character in Perimeter in a player owned Keepstar, with 0.5% broker fee that sits in one station, buys from buy orders and sells through sell orders with a reach of 1 jump.
Most of my items are bought and sold in the Jita 4-4 station. This character trades completely different items to the rest of my characters. I gave this character 10 Billion to start with, and he's currently on 63 Billion. I spent the time to get faction and corp standing up with this character, and this is my attempt to take station trading seriously. He also farms SP and sells injectors on the market.
Horde Station Trader
Station trading in the Horde Keepstar in R10-GN. I set him up with 1Bn and he's currently at 11Bn.
Tash-Murkon Region trader
I haven't touched this character, and one of my challenges over the next couple of days will be to tear down this characters buy orders, set up a new quickbar for sales, and get some items to sell from Jite or Amarr.
Manufacturing Character
Nothing has happened on this character recently. I want to ramp up my build queue a bit this month though.